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Added by Jouhar on 06 Sep 2018 at 09:21

Hi Andrew,

I am trying to upload a file to a web page, the following are the steps I followed:

1. Open the web page 

2. Wait for until the page is getting loaded

3. In this webpage I am uploading the file into the first “Upload a File” browser.

4. Get the input element by tag name as “input”

5. Hit the “browse” button, since the paste portion is disabled.

6. Enter the file path in the “Choose File to Upload” window (path is in excel eg :D:\MArgin Discovery (Businness Assurance)\practice2.xlsx )

7. Enter After 5th step, I am not able to enter the file path in the “Choose File to Upload” window, looks like the macro is not supporting for this.

Here is my code:

Sub File_Test()
    Dim HTMLDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
    Dim HTMLButtons As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim HTMLButton As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
    Dim ie As Object

    Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
    ie.Visible = True
    ie.navigate "http://www.htmlquick.com/reference/tags/input-file.html"

    Do While ie.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE

    Set HTMLDoc = ie.document
    Set HTMLButtons = HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("input")

    For Each HTMLButton In HTMLButtons
        If HTMLButton.Type = "file" Then
            HTMLButton.Value = "C:\Documents\Test\Temp.txt"
            Exit For
        End If

Kindly help how to enter path name when input type is file.

Thank you



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