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Advanced SSIS Training Course

Two days (09:30 to 16:30 UK time each day)

This course is available in the following formats (all prices exclude VAT):


You can book a place on this course either online through this website, by phone, by email or by filling in our enquiry form.

You should only consider attending this course if you've attended our two-day introduction to SSIS course, or if you have a thorough understanding of how to create sources, destinations and transforms in SSIS.

Course schedule

We don't have any dates scheduled for this online course. We may consider adding more dates - it's always worth asking.

Alternatively, if you have a handful of like-minded people in your organisation, you could consider booking your own customised onsite course, whereby you get to pick the dates and venue!

Course Contents - PDF

Advanced SSIS training course contents

The main thing that you'll learn from this advanced course is how to use script tasks (in control flow) and script components (in data flow) to validate data, send mail, check file attributes and much more.  The course uses C# for its scripting language (as for various reasons you should too - if youv'e never used C# before you might like to consider booking a place on our two-day introduction to C# course first, before attending this course). In addition to scripting, the course also includes a smorgasbord of other topics, such as creating dynamic property values and logging packages to SQL Server.

The contents of this course are as follows:

A quick C# primer

  • Writing methods
  • Using variables
  • Using namespaces

Script tasks

  • Message boxes
  • Setting return status

Variables in script

  • Passing variables in/out
  • Referencing in code

Script components

  • Input and output flows
  • Manipulating values in script

Sending mail

  • Limitations of the Send Mail task
  • The System.Mail namespace
  • Sending emails in code

Accessing file attributes

  • FileInfo and DirectoryInfo
  • Accessing file properties
  • Filtering by file date/time

Dynamic expressions

  • Using expressions for properties
  • Ideas for expressions to use

Advanced loops

  • Looping over XML files
  • Looping over items
  • FOR loops

Using package parts

  • Storing components for reuse
  • Using package parts

Logging and auditing   if time

  • Logging to text files
  • Logging to SQL Server
  • Audit transforms

Events   if time

  • Creating an event
  • Pre- and post-execute events
  • Error-handling using events
Please see further up this page for what you should know beforehand (if anything) in order to attend this course.

Why Choose Us?

Here are some reasons to choose Wise Owl courses:

In addition, here are some benefits unique to classroom training:

And some benefits specific to online training:

  • Courseware manual posted to you in advance
  • Free half-hour pre-course check-up included
  • Our clever system means you can use our laptops (and we can see them)

What other people have said

Our thanks to everyone who agreed to share their thoughts. All of the following reviews are from the last 3 calendar years:

"The course gave a great initial introduction to SQL and how to build useful queries that I can use to interrogate our datasets."

Imogen Soper (Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government)

"I was impressed by our trainer's thoroughness - any questions that he could not answer on the spot, he took away and answered the next day, having found workarounds to even the most obscure of questions we had for him! His pace of teaching and clarity was perfect, taking the stress out of learning new things."

Lisa Anastassiu (The Phoenix Group)

"The instructor made complex content accessible and enjoyable to learn. The manual will also provide further learning and support my SQL use at work. I chose the course based on the strength of the Power BI course (I previously attended) and the standard of this course was just as good."

Sophia Sharpley (Sage Publishing)

"Brilliant as usual, we have been using Wise Owl for years. Love the availability of ongoing support after the course if needed."

Nicole Tavlas (Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA))

"The content of the course was great and was supported by an extensive manual which I am grateful for. The course is really well organised and I loved that the trainees were applying live what they were learning using the remote desktop. I also loved that the trainer could see on his screen what we were doing and give us live feedback. I have seen how Devon County Council has used Power BI to share their traffic collision data in a visual way, and we would like to achieve something similar in Plymouth. The course is one step forward towards it."

Angelique Kergosien (Plymouth City Council)

There are lots more where these came from (or just refresh this page to change the quotes shown).

How our training courses work

Below are some notes on how Wise Owl courses work, to help you decide whether they're for you or not.

What you'll need

If you book on a classroom course, the only thing you need to bring to the course is ... yourself! We even provide a notepad and a suprisingly nice pen for you to take notes with.

For online training you'll need two things:

  1. A good internet connection (otherwise you'll have a frustrating time); and
  2. A second screen (a requirement, not a nice-to-have!)

You can see full details of our online course requirements here.

When you book a place

If you book a place on one of our courses:

  • For classroom courses we will send out a joining email. That's it!
  • For online courses we will get in touch to organise a half-hour pre-course check to iron out any connection problems before the course (rather than during it).

Whatever type of course you book, we will also send you out a reminder a few days before the course is due to take place - not that (we hope) you'll have forgotten!

What you won't need

For classroom training, you won't need a computer - we (obviously) will provide that. However, you're welcome to use your own laptop if you prefer, providing that you have the correct software installed.

For online training you will need a computer, but you won't need to have any software installed.  This is because you'll use Windows Remote Desktop to connect to our computers, and these will have all of the necessary files and software installed.

The start of the course

For online courses you will be able to join up to half an hour before the course begins. This will give you time to:

  • familiarise yourself with the set-up;
  • meet your trainer; and
  • get to know the other delegates!

For classroom training it's always nice if people arrive a bit early too, to give people time to meet each other (and drink coffee).

You'll be given a full colour courseware manual, an exercise booklet to go with the course and a USB stick for taking course files away (we'll post all this to you for online courses).

After the course

After the course finishes you'll receive a digital certificate proving your attendance (we will gladly send a paper copy on request also).

We don't have any formal arrangement for answering questions after the course, but if you get stuck on something and email your trainer they should (and nearly always do!) respond as quickly as their training schedule allows.

Related Courses

You might like to consider these related courses:

Introduction to SSIS


2 day course

Reporting Services RECOMMENDED


2 day course

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