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use WorldEvents
declare @EarliestDate date =
( select min(eventdate) from tblEvent)
declare @latestdate date = (
select max(eventdate) from tblEvent)
declare @NumberOfEvents int = (
select COUNT(*) from tblEvent e)
declare @EventInfo varchar(50)= 'Summary of events'
@EventInfo as 'tilte',
@EarliestDate as 'Earliset Date',
@LatestDate as 'Latest Date',
@NumberOfEvents as 'Number of Events'
use WorldEvents
--using group by
select c.countryname from tblCountry c
join tblEvent e
on c.CountryID=e.CountryID
group by CountryName
-- using sub queri
select c.countryname
from tblCountry c
where (select COUNT(e.countryid)
from tblEvent e
where e.CountryID = c.CountryID
group by e.countryid) > 8
order by CountryName
use DoctorWho
select a.AuthorName , count(*) as episode,min(e.EpisodeDate) as[earliest date], max(e.EpisodeDate) as[latest date]
from tblAuthor a join tblEpisode e
on a.AuthorId = e.AuthorId
group by AuthorName
order by episode desc
select eventname,
when left(eventname,1) in ('a','e','i','o','u') and right (eventname , 1) in ('A','E','I','O','U')
THEN 'Begins and with Vowels'
when left(eventname,1) like right(eventname,1) then 'same letter'
end as 'Verdicts'
from tblEvent
where (case
when left(eventname,1) in ('a','e','i','o','u') and right (eventname , 1) in ('A','E','I','O','U')
THEN 'Begins and with Vowels'
when left(eventname,1) like right(eventname,1) then 'same letter'end ) is not null
use WorldEvents
SELECT Concat(EventName+' '+ 'category'+' (' , CategoryID , ') '),EventDate
FROM tblEvent
WHERE CountryID = 1
use WorldEvents
select count(*) as [Number Of Events],max(eventdate) as [Last Date],
min(eventdate) as [First Date]
from tblEvent
/*Use this to list the names of the companions who haven't
featured in any episodes. You should find there's one of them,
but we won't spoil the surprise by saying who it is!
use DoctorWho
select cn.companionname --et.episodetype
tblCompanion cn full outer join tblEpisodeCompanion ci
on cn.CompanionId= ci.CompanionId
full outer join tblEpisode et
on et.EpisodeId=ci.EpisodeId
where episodetype is null
/*Write a query using inner joins to show all of the authors who have written episodes featuring the Daleks.
You may find the following relationship diagram useful to refer to:
select a.authorname , t.title, e.enemyname from tblAuthor a
inner join tblEpisode t on a.AuthorId= t.authorid
inner join tblEpisodeEnemy ee on ee.EpisodeId=t.EpisodeId
inner join tblEnemy e on e.EnemyId=ee.EnemyId
where EnemyName ='Daleks'
/*Use this nugget of information to create a query listing out each event with the length of its name,
with the "shortest event" first:*/
select eventname, len(eventname) as [Length of name] from tblevent
order by len(eventname)
/*1 Events which aren't in the Transport category (number 14),
but which nevertheless include the text Train in the EventDetails column. 4 rows
select * from tblEvent
where CategoryID != 14 and EventDetails like '%train%'
/*2 Events which are in the Space country (number 13),
but which don't mention Space in either the event name or the event details columns. 6 rows*/
select * from tblEvent
where CategoryID =13 and EventDetails not like '%space%' and eventname not like '%space%'
/*3 Events which are in categories 5 or 6 (War/conflict and Death/disaster),
but which don't mention either War or Death in the EventDetails column. 91 rows
Save this query listing possible anomalies as Primeval, then close it down.*/
select * from tblEvent
where CategoryID in (5,6) and EventDetails not like '%war%' and EventDetails not like '%death%'
--Create a query which lists out all of the tblEvent events which include the word Teletubbies:
select eventname ,eventdate from tblevent
where eventname like '%Teletubbies%'
/*Now add an OR condition to your query so that it lists out all events whose:
Name includes Teletubbies; or
Name includes Pandy.
This should give you two rows:
select eventname , eventdate from tblevent
where eventname like '%Teletubbies%' or eventname like '%pandy%'
select eventname , eventdetails, eventdate from tblevent
where ( countryid in (8,22,30,35)
categoryid = 4
eventdetails like '% water %')
eventdate >= '1970-01-01'
--Create a query which lists out all of the events which took place in February 2005:
select eventname as [what] ,eventdate as [when] from tblevent
where eventdate between '2005-02-01' and '2005-02-28'
create table table_event(
insert into table_event(Name_Event , DATE_OF_EVENT)
values('Chess' , '2024-03-26'),
('football' , '2024-01-10'),
('cricket', '2024-02-07'),
('basketball', '2024-04-13'),
('hockey', '2024-03-23');
select * from table_event
order by DATE_OF_EVENT
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