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The hidden door to extra functions in Excel Part six of a six-part series of blogs |
Did you know that you could combine range names and legacy Excel 4 functions to list out the worksheets or range names in your workbook - wthout using macros? I didn't either - here's how to do this, and much more! |
In this blog
You may find two references useful for this blog.
Writing this blog would have been difficult without the syntax to refer to. You can download the 653-page (!) PDF giving the syntax of Excel 4 functions from this site.
Scroll down the page to find this link, then click on it to get at the download.
There is a version of the PDF published on the Internet directly, but since this is almost certainly pirated I haven't given the link here.
You can then click on any function to jump to its syntax:
The vast majority of these are of no use, being just old versions of newer macro VBA commands. Happy exploring!
To help write this blog, I built a model allowing me to work out how much money we were going to spend on pet food over the coming 4 quarters. Here are the inputs:
Input what you know about future pet food consumption patterns here!
You can then see your predicted expenditure on the Calculations sheet:
Room for a reduction in pets?
You can download this file - including the range names and formulae shown in this chapter - here.
Be warned that you may have to change the file's properties or relax your trust centre options to allow you to view this. Downloading .xlsm workbooks over the Internet is not something you should do lightly!
Parts of this blog |
Some other pages relevant to the above blogs include:
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