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Written by Andy Brown
In this tutorial
You can use a variety of techniques to work with sets of records in SQL, but I always find myself coming back to temporary tables!
Suppose that you want to take a table of films (or movies for most of the world) and extract ones which won more than 5 Oscars for subsequent processing. Here's one way to do this:
-- write all films scoring more than
-- 5 Oscars into a new table
FilmOscarWins > 5
-- now show all of the records in this
-- temporary table
SELECT * FROM #GoodFilms
The SQL code puts the records into a table with the name #GoodFilms. The # prefix shows that this is a temporary table.
A tempoary table is released at the end of the SQL which created it (in theory). In practice, they seem to hang around for a bit longer than this, and it's good practice to drop temporary tables first before recreating them (see later in this blog for how to do this).
The rest of this blog looks at temporary tables in more detail, showing where they are stored, how to drop them and the pros and cons of using them.
You don't need to know where temporary tables are stored, but it's all good background! Consider this SQL:
-- create a temporary table containing movies
CREATE TABLE #BestMoviesEver(
MovieName varchar(50),
Rating int
-- add in 4 movies
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'Watchmen', 9 )
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'The Departed', 8 )
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'The Matrix', 10 )
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'The Sound of Music', 9 )
-- list them back out
SELECT * FROM #BestMoviesEver
Here's what you get when you run this:
When you show the records in the temporary table, this is what you get.
So where is the temporary table stored? The answer is in a system database called tempdb:
The temporary table just created. The full table name is over 100 characters long, since it contains a unique number attaching it to this particular user of SQL.
Knowing this fact helps us make sure that we can drop the temporary table before we try to recreate it, as shown in the next part of this blog.
There are two ways to ensure that a temporary table doesn't exist before you create it:
Of the two methods, the second one is more difficult to understand but probably better: with the first method, you run the risk of trapping the wrong error!
You can delete a temporary table using standard SQL syntax for TRY and CATCH:
-- try to delete temporary table
DROP TABLE #BestMoviesEver
Print 'Deleted table'
-- code will run if temporary table
-- wasn't deletable
PRINT 'No table to delete'
Here the PRINT statements are included just to show what happens when you run the SQL. After deleting the temporary table, you could then try to create it:
-- don't display row count (clutters up window)
-- create a temporary table containing movies
CREATE TABLE #BestMoviesEver(
MovieName varchar(30),
Rating int
-- add in 4 movies
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'Watchmen', 9 )
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'The Departed', 8 )
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'The Matrix', 10 )
INSERT INTO #BestMoviesEver (MovieName, Rating) VALUES (
'The Sound of Music', 9 )
-- list them back out
SELECT * FROM #BestMoviesEver
Running this SQL twice would give the following output the second time:
Here we are running the SQL for a second time with the answers output to text. The PRINT statement has reported that we deleted the previous incarnation of the temporary table successfully (ie it must have already existed).
A more complicated approach is to look in the system tables for a temporary table called #BestMoviesEver, and delete it if found:
-- delete temporary table if it exists
IF Object_id('tempdb.dbo.#BestMoviesEver', 'U') IS NOT NULL
PRINT 'Deleted table'
DROP TABLE #BestMoviesEver
If you want to know why the Object_id function works (and you probably don't!) run the following SQL statement:
SELECT * from tempdb.sys.objects
This will show a list of all SQL Server objects in the TEMPDB database:
Part of the listing of objects in the TEMPDB database
All of the objects with type U are user-defined tables!
As our final part of this blog covering training on temporary tables, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using temporary tables?
If you've found this blog useful, consider booking a place on our advanced SQL course (online or classroom, depending on whether you're in the UK or not).
There are 3 main advantages of using temporary tables in SQL:
Advantage | Notes |
Simplicity of coding | Temporary tables behave just like normal ones; you can sort, filter and join them as if they were permanent tables. |
Speed | Because SQL Server has less logging and locking overheads for temporary tables (after all, you're the only person who can see or use the temporary table you've created), they execute more quickly. |
Access rights/security | You can create a temporary table and insert, delete and update its records without worrying about whether you have sufficient rights to change data in permanent tables, or whether you might be accidentally doing so. |
The disadvantages of using temporary tables include:
Advantage | Notes |
Not as fast as table variables | Although using temporary tables is quicker than using permanent ones, there is still an overhead involved compared to using table variables (an alternative technique, which I might blog about some day!). |
Can not update in functions | You can not use INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements against temporary tables in user-defined functions (you can with table variables). This is NOT a big disadvantage, however! |
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