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Software ==> | SQL (203 exercises) |
Topic ==> | Derived tables and CTEs (19 exercises) |
Level ==> | Harder than average |
Subject ==> | SQL training |
This exercise is provided to allow potential course delegates to choose the correct Wise Owl Microsoft training course, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any format without the prior written consent of Wise Owl.
First run the script shown above to generate the Doctor Who training database.
Create a query which lists the David Tennant episodes for which none of the enemies appear in any non-David Tennant episodes:
The first few of the 31 David Tennant episodes which don't share any enemies with any other non-Tennant episodes.
There are probably hundreds of ways to do this in SQL, and the answer given doesn't claim to use a particularly efficient one.
Optionally, save this query as Tennant only, then close it down.
You can find other training resources for the subject of this exercise here:
From: | svjmandryk |
When: | 01 Aug 20 at 17:04 |
Spoiler alert :)
my solution:
create function [dbo].[getAuthorId](@authorName varchar(max))
returns varchar(max)
(select DoctorId
from tblDoctor
where lower(DoctorName) like '%' + @authorName)
create function [dbo].[getEpisodesByAuthor](@authorName varchar(max))
returns table
return select e.EpisodeId, e.Title, e.DoctorId, ee.EnemyId, ee.EpisodeEnemyId
from tblEpisode as e
left join tblEpisodeEnemy as ee
on e.EpisodeId = ee.EpisodeId
where DoctorId = [dbo].getAuthorId(@authorName)
create function [dbo].[getEpisodesNotByAuthor](@authorName varchar(max))
returns table
return select e.EpisodeId, e.Title, e.DoctorId, ee.EnemyId, ee.EpisodeEnemyId
from tblEpisode as e
join tblEpisodeEnemy as ee
on e.EpisodeId = ee.EpisodeId
where DoctorId <> [dbo].getAuthorId(@authorName)
create function [dbo].[getIdsOfEpisodeWithoutExclusiveEnemies](@authorName varchar(max))
returns table
select distinct EpisodeId
from tblEpisodeEnemy
where EnemyId in (
select distinct EnemyId
from [dbo].[getEpisodesNotByAuthor](@authorName))
declare @authorName varchar(max) = 'Tennant'
select distinct EpisodeId, Title, DoctorId --, EnemyId, EpisodeEnemyId
from [dbo].[getEpisodesByAuthor](@authorName)
EpisodeId not in (
select EpisodeId
from [dbo].getIdsOfEpisodeWithoutExclusiveEnemies(@authorName))
order by Title
PS This was the trickiest one for me :)
From: | Marcus |
When: | 02 Aug 23 at 20:44 |
with DoctorsAndEnemies
tblDoctor d1
join tblEpisode e1 on d1.DoctorId = e1.DoctorId
left join tblEpisodeEnemy ee1 on e1.EpisodeId = ee1.EpisodeId
DoctorsAndEnemies tennant
left join DoctorsAndEnemies others on others.EnemyId = tennant.EnemyId
and others.DoctorName != 'David Tennant'
tennant.DoctorName = 'David Tennant'
group by
max(case when tennant.EnemyId = others.Enemyid then 1 else 0 end) = 0
order by tennant.Title
I'm not the gratest fan of CTEs ... but sometimes they become handy.
P.S. Don't use UDF (Inline as well) functions too often... they're not well optimised and usually slow queries a lot (even with the UDF inlining introduced with SQL Server 2019).
From: | Andy B |
When: | 03 Aug 23 at 11:25 |
I use CTEs for virtually everything in SQL - I probably shouldn't, but I'm a big fan!
From: | Andy B |
When: | 03 Aug 23 at 14:23 |
I agree with all your points, but ... speed isn't usually an issue for our internal systems, but ease of development is. So in this case I'd go for anything which saves the human time! But your points are well made.
From: | Marcus |
When: | 03 Aug 23 at 13:29 |
I was using CTEs a lot during my Oracle times. Using temporary tables was a chore and CTEs had one very neat hint – MATERIALIZED – it allowed to compute CTE only once and store it in RAM for a time of an execution… But that’s Oracle…
In SQL Server:
1) There’s no option for materialized CTE – it is first computed when select statement demands it, flushed and if it’s called once again – recomputed (very rarely lasts).
2) It’s not so memory based as people think – if CTE is large enough, it’ll be spooled into tempDB, the very same way as intermediate “tables” are.
3) Overall – it’s syntax sugar for derived tables – it reduces redundancy in terms of writing a code (don’t need to write your subquery twice) – increases code readability. But doesn’t have any positive impact in terms of performance (could even worsen it)
Now I’m using them only in such scenarios:
1) Recursion – hierarchical structures, need for generation some sequence of data (e.g. dates, numbers)
2) Deduplication (delete duplicates directly from cte)
3) Basic low cost queries
What’s better? Temporary tables are:
1) They behave the very same way as normal table pages – not so easily flushed, but if needed to – stored on the disk.
2) Since SQL Server 2019 “memory only” temp tables are promoted. If your temp table is short lived, there is a strong chance that it would be never written on the disk
3) You’re guaranteed that they’re computed only once. Even if stored on disk – the reuse is simple as data stream from the I/O without costly joins or other computations
4) They’re permanent in terms of session – it’s very debug friendly. If something wrong you can peek what it is by selecting it.
5) On the larger sets – they can be indexed as any normal table.
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