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Suppose that you have an animated GIF that you want to convert to WEBP format from .GIF:
Suppose that you have an animated GIF like this.
To convert this you need to install the pillow and webptools modules. Here's how to do this using PIP, for example:
# need to install these modules
# python -m pip install pillow
# python -m pip install webptools
You can now go ahead and convert your file:
from PIL import Image
import webptools
# the file to convert
gif_file_including_path = r"C:\wiseowl\typical_animated_gif.gif"
# the WEBP file to create
webp_file_including_path = r"C:\wiseowl\final_animated_webp.webp"
# open the image to be converted
image =
# save all frames of image with slightly higher quality than default of 75
# that's it!
print("File converted hopefully!")
You can spend a long time researching the effects of tweaking the quality and subsampling parameters, but I challenge you to tell the difference between the image produced by this code and your original animated GIF!
This should successfully convert your animated GIF to an animated WEBP file. What it won't necessarily do is reduce the file size (on my laptop it's actually just gone up for this animated GIF, from 85 kb to 137 kb).
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