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Flappy Bird in Excel VBA Part 9 - Creating the Game Sheet |
This part of the tutorial explains how to generate a game worksheet using code to define the playing area. |
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Download Flappy Owl Pt9 - The Game Sheet.
In this part of the tutorial we'll create a new class to represent our game sheet object and finally upgrade our basic test worksheet into something which looks more like the final game sheet.
Each time we start a new game our code will create a new worksheet and perform the following tasks:
When the game ends we'll need to delete the sheet that has been created to avoid littering the workbook with old game sheets.
We'll create a separate class to represent the game sheet, mainly to avoid cluttering up the module which contains the rest of the game code. Insert a class module and rename it in the usual way.
Insert and rename a class module.
We'll start by declaring some of the variables that the class will need. Add these declarations to the top of the module:
Public GameSheet As Worksheet
Public GameRange As Range
Public TitleRange As Range
Public FloorRange As Range
Public TitleWidth As Integer
Public GameWidth As Integer
Public GameHeight As Integer
Public FloorHeight As Integer
Public BorderWidth As Integer
We've made these variables public so that code outside of the class will be able to access them. We could have created complete property procedures to achieve the same result but this is a quicker and easier way to do it. This type of variable is referred to as a field of the class.
We'll use the constructor of the class to set default values for our fields. Create the constructor by selecting the Class option from the drop down list at the top left of the code window. Add code to the procedure so that it looks like this:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
TitleWidth = 120
GameWidth = 320
GameHeight = 200
FloorHeight = 20
BorderWidth = 4
End Sub
Each of these values can be changed by other code after we create a new instance of the class but these numbers provide us with a sensible starting point.
Next, we'll sketch the outline of the main method involved in this class. Add the following subroutine:
Public Sub CreateGameSheet()
Set GameSheet = Worksheets.Add
'resize the rows and columns
'hide gridlines and row/column headings
'draw borders and game regions
End Sub
Now we can start filling in the details.
The first task that we'll tackle will be to set the rows and columns of the game sheet to the correct sizes. Due to the astonishingly convoluted way in which columns widths are specified in Excel we'll actually do a few parts of this process manually.
Head back into Excel and insert a new worksheet. Rename the sheet as CellSizes.
This worksheet will be used to hold the various cell sizes that our game might use.
Next we'll create some range names to help us reference the cells in our code. Start by selecting cell A1 and typing a range name into the name box at the top left of the worksheet:
Remember that range names can't contain spaces. Don't forget to press Enter to create the range name once you've finished typing.
Using the same technique as above, create three more range names according to this list:
Cell | Range name |
B2 | Pixels4 |
C3 | Pixels6 |
D4 | Pixels8 |
Now that we've named the cells we need to resize them to the dimensions indicated by the range name. We'll do this by clicking and dragging the columns and rows to the correct size. This will be easier to do if you zoom the view (hold CTRL and roll the mouse wheel forwards to do this quickly).
Click and drag between the column headings to change the width. Use the tooltip to help you set the column to the correct width in pixels. Unbelievably, there's no direct way to write code to do this.
Continue dragging the columns and rows until you've resized all four of our cells. The end result should look like this:
The four cells highlighted here should be perfectly square. I've only coloured them in to make them easier to see; you don't need to do this.
Now return to the Visual Basic Editor and give the worksheet a sensible codename using the Properties window:
Rename the sheet in the usual way.
Now add four lines of code to the CreateGameSheet subroutine so that it looks like this:
Public Sub CreateGameSheet()
Dim SizeCell As Range
Set SizeCell = shCellSizes.Range("Pixels2")
Set GameSheet = Worksheets.Add
'resize the rows and columns
GameSheet.Cells.ColumnWidth = SizeCell.ColumnWidth
GameSheet.Cells.RowHeight = SizeCell.RowHeight
'hide gridlines and row/column headings
'draw borders and game regions
End Sub
At this point it's probably worth writing a quick test procedure to make sure that the code is behaving as expected. Head back to the modTestCode module and add the following subroutine to it:
Sub TestCreateGameSheet()
Dim gs As clsGameSheet
Set gs = New clsGameSheet
End Sub
Run the subroutine and check that the new worksheet is created with the correct cell size (you can delete the sheet once you're happy that it works). You could also try changing the range name used to set the SizeCell variable to make sure that you can create sheets with different cell sizes.
Turning off gridlines and row and column headings on the game sheet is relatively straightforward. Add these two lines below the appropriate comment in the CreateGameSheet subroutine:
'hide gridlines and row/column headings
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False
Once you've done this you can run the TestCreateGameSheet subroutine again to make sure that your sheet appears without gridlines or row and column headings.
![]() |
![]() |
With gridlines and headings. | Without gridlines and headings. |
This is the most complex part of drawing our game sheet. As the code to implement this will be quite long we'll create a separate subroutine in the class module to do this. We don't want this method to be usable outside of the class so we'll declare it as private. This type of subroutine is referred to as a helper method:
Private Sub DrawBordersAndRegions()
End Sub
The diagram below shows the basic layout that we want to create on our game sheet:
The game sheet consists of a title area on the left where we'll display things like the score, a game area where the bird and obstacles will appear and a floor area at the bottom. All of these areas are surrounded by borders.
There are several colours on the game sheet that we'll need to refer to multiple times and which we might want to use later on in the project. It makes sense at this point to spend a little time defining the colours that our game will use.
We're only going to define colours for these four items for now: the borders; the title background; the sky background; the floor background. To make them easier to use we're going to store the values for these colours in constants in our code and, because the set of constants will be related we're going to group them together using an enumeration.
Head back to the modPublicDeclarations module and add the following code to the bottom:
Public Enum GameColour
End Enum
This declares four constants within an enumeration called GameColour. The data type of each item in the enumeration is a long integer. By default the first item in the enumeration is assigned a value of 0, the second is 1, and so on. We want our constants to store the value of the colours that their names suggest. To find out what these values are we'll manually colour in some cells in a worksheet and use some simple code to return the number of the colour.
Head back into Excel, insert a new worksheet and change its name to GameColours. Now change the colour of four cells to the colours that you want to use for our four constants. Something like this:
Type the name of the colour in the cell next to the coloured one.
Now head back to the Visual Basic Editor and rename the worksheet that you've created using the Properties window.
Rename the sheet in the usual way. I've called mine shGameColours.
Now open the modTestCode module and add the following subroutine:
Sub ListGameColours()
'go to the colours sheet
'select the cell with the first colour
'loop through the list of colours
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
'print the colour to the Immediate window
Debug.Print _
ActiveCell.Value & " = " & _
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Interior.Color
'move down one row
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
The loop that we've added checks if the active cell contains any value. If it does then it prints the value of the colour to the Immediate window and moves down to the next cell. It keeps repeating these actions until the cell in column B is blank.
Run the subroutine and then open the Immediate window to see the result. From the menu choose View | Immediate Window or just press CTRL + G.
The Immediate window will show you the actual value for each colour you've chosen. Your numbers may be different to the ones I've chosen.
Now we need to use these colours to set the values of the constants in our enumeration. Go back to the modPublicDeclarations module and change the enumeration so that it looks like the code shown below. You can copy and paste the text from the Immediate window rather than type it in.
Public Enum GameColour
gcBrown = 2566755
gcLightBrown = 7768494
gcSkyBlue = 13995347
gcGrassGreen = 3506772
End Enum
Now we can get back to creating our game sheet.
Each region that we need to create on the game sheet will be a simple rectangle of cells defined by a top left cell and a bottom right cell. To make life a little easier we'll declare some variables at the top of the DrawBordersAndRegions subroutine in the clsGameSheet class module:
Private Sub DrawBordersAndRegions()
Dim OriginRange As Range
Dim TopLeft As Range
Dim BottomRight As Range
Set OriginRange = GameSheet.Range("A1")
End Sub
The OriginRange variable is probably a little unnecessary here, but it will help us if we decide to change where our game regions sit on the sheet later.
We'll begin by adding the vertical borders to the game sheet. The left-most border will start in cell A1, its width will be equal to the BorderWidth variable and its height will be equal to the GameHeight plus the FloorHeight plus 2 times the BorderWidth variables. Add the following code to the subroutine, after the line which sets the OriginRange variable:
'Draw Left Title Border
Set TopLeft = OriginRange
Set BottomRight = OriginRange.Offset( _
((BorderWidth * 2) + GameHeight + FloorHeight) - 1, _
BorderWidth - 1)
Range(TopLeft, BottomRight).Interior.Color = GameColour.gcBrown
The next border will separate the title region from the game region. Its height and width will be the same as the first border but its top left cell will be offset to the right by the width of a border and the width of the title region. Add the following code to the subroutine:
'Draw Left Game Border
Set TopLeft = OriginRange.Offset( _
0, _
BorderWidth + TitleWidth)
Set BottomRight = TopLeft.Offset( _
((BorderWidth * 2) + GameHeight + FloorHeight) - 1, _
BorderWidth - 1)
Range(TopLeft, BottomRight).Interior.Color = GameColour.gcBrown
The final vertical border will form the right hand edge of the game region. Its height and width will be the same as the other vertical borders but its starting position will be offset to the right by the width of two borders plus the title region plus the game region. Add the following code to the bottom of the subroutine:
'Draw Right Game Border
Set TopLeft = OriginRange.Offset( _
0, _
(BorderWidth * 2) + TitleWidth + GameWidth)
Set BottomRight = TopLeft.Offset( _
((BorderWidth * 2) + GameHeight + FloorHeight) - 1, _
BorderWidth - 1)
Range(TopLeft, BottomRight).Interior.Color = GameColour.gcBrown
Now for the top border. Its origin will be cell A1. Its height will be the same as the BorderWidth variable. Its width will be the same as three border widths plus the title area width and the game area width.
'Draw Top Border
Set TopLeft = OriginRange
Set BottomRight = OriginRange.Offset( _
(BorderWidth - 1), _
((BorderWidth * 3) + TitleWidth + GameWidth) - 1)
Range(TopLeft, BottomRight).Interior.Color = GameColour.gcBrown
The bottom border will have the same height and width but it will be offset down by the width of a border plus the game area height plus the floor area height.
'Draw Bottom Border
Set TopLeft = OriginRange.Offset( _
(BorderWidth + GameHeight + FloorHeight), _
Set BottomRight = TopLeft.Offset( _
BorderWidth - 1, _
((BorderWidth * 3) + TitleWidth + GameWidth) - 1)
Range(TopLeft, BottomRight).Interior.Color = GameColour.gcBrown
At this point it's probably worth testing that the current code works. Go back to the CreateGameSheet subroutine and add a call to the DrawBordersAndRegions procedure below the appropriate comment.
'draw borders and game regions
Now go back to the modTestCode module and run the TestCreateGameSheet procedure.
The game sheet should be neatly divided into separate areas.
We'll colour the game regions in a similar way to colouring the borders: by defining the top left and bottom right of each area and changing the colour of the cells to the appropriate colour. We'll start with the title region so add the following code to the bottom of the DrawBordersAndRegions subroutine:
'Draw Title Area
Set TopLeft = OriginRange.Offset( _
BorderWidth, _
Set BottomRight = TopLeft.Offset( _
(GameHeight + FloorHeight) - 1, _
TitleWidth - 1)
Set TitleRange = Range(TopLeft, BottomRight)
TitleRange.Interior.Color = GameColour.gcLightBrown
The important thing here is that as well as colouring in the title region we set a reference to the range in the public variable called TitleRange. This will allow code outside of the class module to reference this area when the game is running. We'll need to do this later in the project when we want to do things such as display the score in the title area.
Next we'll deal with the game region in a similar way:
'Draw Game Area
Set TopLeft = OriginRange.Offset( _
BorderWidth, _
(BorderWidth * 2) + TitleWidth)
Set BottomRight = TopLeft.Offset( _
GameHeight - 1, _
GameWidth - 1)
Set GameRange = Range(TopLeft, BottomRight)
GameRange.Interior.Color = GameColour.gcSkyBlue
Again, it's important that we set a reference to the game region so that later code can refer to it.
The final region to define is the floor:
'Draw Floor Area
Set TopLeft = OriginRange.Offset( _
BorderWidth + GameHeight, _
(BorderWidth * 2) + TitleWidth)
Set BottomRight = TopLeft.Offset( _
FloorHeight - 1, _
GameWidth - 1)
Set FloorRange = Range(TopLeft, BottomRight)
FloorRange.Interior.Color = GameColour.gcGrassGreen
After doing this it's worth running the TestCreateGameSheet subroutine again and checking the result looks something like this:
It looks basic but all of the game regions are clearly defined.
Now we need to incorporate our new class into the main game code. Return to the modGameCode module and declare this variable at the top, just below Option Explicit:
Private GameSheet As clsGameSheet
Now modify the InitialiseGame subroutine so that it looks like this:
Public Sub InitialiseGame()
'Called once when game first starts
'Used to set starting parameters
'Begins the game timer
Set GameSheet = New clsGameSheet
Set Bird = New clsBird
Set GameTimer = New clsTimer
End Sub
This will successfully create a new game sheet when the game starts but, unfortunately, that's not where our Owl will appear. The code in the class module which defines the bird still refers to the test worksheet. We've still got some work to do to make everything work.
When we create a new instance of our bird class it needs to know which cell on the new game sheet to start on. When its update method is called the bird needs to know where the floor is and also in which new cell to draw itself. We have a variety of choices as to how we could accomplish this but I think that the simplest is to pass a reference to the entire game sheet to the new instance of the bird just after it is created.
If we were using a language other than VBA this would be the perfect time to write a constructor for the bird class with a parameter which would accept an object of the game sheet class.
We'll create a simple write-only property to do this. Start by declaring a private variable at the top of the clsBird class module:
Private pGameSheet As clsGameSheet
Now write a property procedure as follows:
Public Property Set GameSheet(Value As clsGameSheet)
Set pGameSheet = Value
Set BirdCell = _
pGameSheet.GameRange.Cells(Int(pGameSheet.GameHeight / 2), 40)
BirdImage.Copy BirdCell
Set FloorRange = pGameSheet.FloorRange.Cells(1, 1)
End Property
We've previously seen the Property Let procedure for creating basic data-type properties. We use Property Set when the property refers to an object. The code positions the bird halfway down the game area and 40 cells in from the left hand edge of game area. It also sets the FloorRange variable to refer to the first cell within the floor area of the game sheet.
Now that we can refer to the game sheet within the bird class we can update the code to make sure that the bird gets drawn in the correct worksheet. Start in the Class_Initialize procedure and change it so that it looks like this:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'store info about bird image
Set BirdImage = shSprites.Range("OwlImage")
BirdHeight = BirdImage.Rows.Count
BirdWidth = BirdImage.Columns.Count
'set initial bird parameters
BirdVerticalMovement = 0
'store the initial key state of Up and Down
PreviousUpKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyUp)
PreviousDownKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyDown)
End Sub
Now go to the Update subroutine and find the line which reads ElseIf Target.Row <= 1 Then. Change the ElseIf statement so that it looks like this:
ElseIf TargetRow <= pGameSheet.GameRange.Rows(1).Row Then
'if so, set the target row to the top row
TargetRow = pGameSheet.GameRange.Rows(1).Row
BirdVerticalMovement = 0
End If
Next, change the last line of the Update subroutine so that it looks like this:
'store the new destination cell
Set BirdCell = _
pGameSheet.GameSheet.Cells(TargetRow, BirdCell.Column)
End Sub
Now go to the Draw subroutine and change it so that it looks like this:
Public Sub Draw()
'clear the previous image
BirdPreviousRectangle.Interior.Color = _
'copy the image to the new cell
BirdImage.Copy BirdCell
End Sub
Finally in the bird class module, go to the top and change the values of three of the constants so that they look like this:
Private Const Gravity As Byte = 2
Private Const FlapHeight As Integer = -16
Private Const DiveDepth As Integer = 16
Now we can return to the modGameCode module and add a single line just after the one which reads Set Bird = New clsBird so that the entire InitialiseGame subroutine looks like this:
Public Sub InitialiseGame()
'Called once when game first starts
'Used to set starting parameters
'Begins the game timer
Set GameSheet = New clsGameSheet
Set Bird = New clsBird
Set Bird.GameSheet = GameSheet
Set GameTimer = New clsTimer
End Sub
Notice that we need to use the Set keyword here because the property refers to a class of object, not just a simple data type.
Head back into Excel and on the menu sheet click the Start Game button. You should see a new game sheet is created and the bird is drawn in the correct place. Check that you can move the bird up and down and that you can end the game by pressing TAB.
There are, of course, several improvements that we need to make. Firstly, the bird image is surrounded by cells with no fill colour so we need to make these the same colour as the game background. Secondly, when our game ends the game sheet is left behind so we want to make sure that it gets deleted.
We don't really want to see the white box around the bird.
It's probably easy enough to colour in the cells around the bird image by hand but we'll write a simple procedure to do it for us. Head into the modTestCode module and add the following subroutine:
Sub ChangeBirdBackground()
Dim r As Range
For Each r In shSprites.Range("OwlImage")
If r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then
r.Interior.Color = GameColour.gcSkyBlue
End If
Next r
End Sub
Notice that we test the ColorIndex property but change the Color property. Run the subroutine and check the Sprites worksheet to make sure the that bird is surrounded by blue cells.
The cells that weren't previously coloured should now be blue.
We'll use the destructor of the game sheet class to make sure that the game sheet gets deleted when we end the game. Go back to the clsGameSheet class module and use the drop down lists at the top of the code window to create the procedure.
Choose Terminate from the drop down list on the right.
Now add code to the procedure so that it looks like this:
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'suppress application warning messages
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'delete the game sheet
're-enable application warnings
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Now return to the modGameCode module and add a line to the TerminateGame subroutine so that it looks like this:
Public Sub TerminateGame()
'Called once when game ends
'Used to tidy up
Set GameTimer = Nothing
Set Bird = Nothing
Set GameSheet = Nothing
End Sub
Time to test the game once more: head back to Excel and click the Start Game button. This time the image should appear without white cells surrounding the bird and, when you end the game, the game sheet will be deleted automatically.
Right at the start of the project we created a worksheet called Game. We don't need this sheet any longer so it's time to delete it. It's easiest to do this manually in Excel.
As our code automatically generates our game sheets we don't need this one any longer. Right-click on it and choose to delete it.
If you find that any of the code doesn't work you can download the working version of the workbook from the top of this page.
The bird can now fly up and down in the game sheet but currently doesn't have any obstacles to avoid. The next part of the tutorial will show you how to add these obstacles into the game.
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