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Flappy Bird in Excel VBA Part 8 - Using Class Modules |
This part of the tutorial introduces the concept of class modules and shows you how to use them to organise your code. |
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Download Flappy Owl Pt8a - Timer Class.
Download Flappy Owl Pt8b - Bird Class.
Apart from a couple of event procedures for the button clicks, we've written every line of code in this project in normal modules. In this part of the tutorial we're going to reorganise things by converting some of the existing code into a set of class modules.
Writing a well-designed class module is a great way to encapsulate a set of related procedures in a single unit - after all, classes are what object-oriented programming is all about. The classes we'll create in this part of the tutorial will be quite simple, but it will set us up nicely for creating more complex classes later in the project.
Creating class modules won't make the slightest bit of difference to the player. It will, however, make a big difference to the way we write and structure our code from now on. Fortunately, we've already done a pretty good job at keeping our code organised so far - this will make it easy to incorporate class modules.
We're going to start with one of the more common uses of class modules in VBA: encapsulating some Windows API functions to make them easier to use. Start by inserting a class module into the project. You do this in much the same way you insert a normal module:
Right-click anywhere in the project and choose to insert a class module.
Once the module has been created, change its name in the usual way.
Use the Properties window to rename the class module. I've called mine clsTimer.
Now we can start moving code from our normal modules into the class module. We'll start with the Windows API function declarations. It isn't necessary to move these declarations, they'll still work happily if we leave them in the normal module, but it makes sense from an organisational point of view to have all of the code concerning our timer in one place.
Cut the declarations for the SetTimer and KillTimer functions from the modPublicDeclarations module and paste them at the top of the clsTimer module, just below Option Explicit. Once you've done this you can also change the word Public to Private for each of the functions. The end result should look like this:
Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
'Code is running in 64-bit Office
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetTimer Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, _
ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr, _
ByVal uElapse As Long, _
ByVal lpTimerFunc As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function KillTimer Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, _
ByVal nIDEvent As LongPtr) As Long
'Code is running in 32-bit Office
Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _
ByVal uElapse As Long, _
ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long
#End If
We can change these declarations to Private because they'll only ever be referenced within the class module. We also need to declare a couple of variables to hold the timer ID and the timer interval. Add these lines just after your function declarations:
'the ID of the timer that we start
Private pGameTimerID As Long
'the time in milliseconds between each tick
Private pGameTimerInterval As Double
Using the letter 'p' at the start of the variable names is a common way to indicate that the variables are private to the class and to distinguish them from their associated properties.
When we start using our timer class, the first thing we want to do is set its interval. Previously we did this by writing our own InitialiseTimer procedure. One of the useful features of class modules is that they have their own built-in initialise event. You can generate the code for this event using the drop down lists at the top of the class module's code window:
Click the drop down list at the top left of the code window and select Class.
This will automatically generate the procedure for the initialise event of the class. It should look like this:
This event is triggered automatically whenever we create a new instance of our timer class.
This type of procedure, i.e. one which is executed automatically when an instance of a class is created, is referred to as a constructor. In other languages you can write your own constructors for a class, define parameters for the constructor and even create multiple versions of the constructor with different parameter lists (a technique known as overloading). In VBA you can't do any of these fancy things: you can only use the Class_Initialize procedure. A neat workaround for this limitation is shown here.
All we need to do now is add code to the initialise procedure to set the timer interval. Add a line of code so that the entire procedure looks like this:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'set the timer interval in milliseconds
pGameTimerInterval = 50
End Sub
We could also add the code to start the timer to the initialise procedure but, for reasons that will become clear later, we're going to create a separate procedure for this. Add the following subroutine to the class module:
Public Sub StartTimer()
'starts the timer calling UpdateAndDrawGame
pGameTimerID = _
SetTimer(0, 0, pGameTimerInterval, AddressOf UpdateAndDrawGame)
End Sub
A subroutine stored in a class module is technically referred to as a method. It's important that this is a public procedure as we'll need to use our StartTimer method in the main game code later.
Now we have a way to start the timer we also need a way to stop it. We could do this by creating another method but for this example we'll use another event of the class module called Terminate. From the drop down lists at the top of the code page, make sure you've selected Class from the left hand side, then choose Terminate from the right hand side.
Select the Terminate event from the list on the right.
This generates the event procedure which is triggered whenever an instance of our timer class is destroyed. This type of procedure is known as a destructor and we're going to use ours to stop the game timer. Add code to the procedure so that it looks like this:
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If pGameTimerID <> 0 Then
'stops the timer whose ID we stored earlier
KillTimer 0, pGameTimerID
pGameTimerID = 0
End If
End Sub
The final thing that we're going to add to our timer class is a property which will allow other modules to see and change the timer interval value. It's unlikely that we'll need to change the speed that the game updates but this is a nice way to demonstrate how to write simple property procedures.
Because we want to be able to both change the interval and check what its value is we need to write two separate property procedures. We'll start with the one which lets us change the value. Add the following code to the bottom of the class module:
Public Property Let TimerInterval(Value As Double)
pGameTimerInterval = Value
End Property
When we use this property later, whatever value we pass in via the Value parameter will be stored in the pGameTimerInterval variable in the instance of the class.
Now we need to create a procedure that will retrieve the value of the timer interval. Add this code to the bottom of the class module:
Public Property Get TimerInterval() As Double
TimerInterval = pGameTimerInterval
End Property
You don't always need to create both property procedures. For example, if you wanted to create a read-only property you could just create the Public Property Get procedure.
That's it for our simple timer class, now we need to make use of it in our main game code. Head back to the modGameCode module and declare the following variable at the top, just below Option Explicit:
Private GameTimer As clsTimer
Now we need to create a new instance of the timer class in the InitialiseGame subroutine. Remove the line which says InitialiseTimer and replace it with the line shown below:
Set GameTimer = New clsTimer
This line will automatically trigger the initialise event of the timer class, setting the timer interval to our default value of 50. If we want to do anything with our timer now we simply need to reference our variable and use its methods and properties. For instance, if we wanted to modify the timer interval we could use the property we created earlier:
The GameTimer variable behaves like a reference to any other object in VBA. Type in a full stop after its name to see a list of its methods and propeties.
We don't want to change the timer interval at this point, all we want to do is start the timer. Add a line of code to do this so that the complete subroutine looks like this:
Public Sub InitialiseGame()
'Called once when game first starts
'Used to set starting parameters
'Begins the game timer
Set GameTimer = New clsTimer
End Sub
We also need to add code to stop the timer. Go to the TerminateGame subroutine and replace the line which says TerminateTimer with this one:
Set GameTimer = Nothing
This line will automatically trigger the terminate event of the timer class, stopping the timer. The complete subroutine should look like this:
Public Sub TerminateGame()
'Called once when game ends
'Used to tidy up
Set GameTimer = Nothing
End Sub
Setting the variable to Nothing will also release the reference to the object and free up any resources that it was using. Note that in VBA this will happen automatically when the variable goes out of scope; VBA is garbage-collected meaning that it periodically tidies up after itself. In this example we declared the GameTimer variable at the module level meaning that it will remain in scope even when the subroutine ends. This is why we explicitly set the variable to Nothing within the subroutine.
We can now remove the original timer module as we don't need it any longer.
Right-click on the module and choose to remove it. Click No on the dialog box which appears as we don't want to export the module before it's deleted.
It's worth quickly testing the game to make sure that it behaves in the same way it did before we added the class module. Head back into Excel and make sure that when you click the Start and Stop buttons the game behaves normally. If not, check the code carefully or just download the working example from the top of the page.
It's possible to declare the variable for our timer class so that we don't have to decide when to create a new instance. To do this we'd declare the variable like so:
Private GameTimer As New clsTimer
This variable would automatically create a new instance of the timer class when it was required, meaning that we could remove the following line of code completely:
'this line isn't needed any more
'Set GameTimer = New clsTimer
Auto-instancing variables sound like convenient time-savers but there are a couple of small drawbacks which need to be considered. Firstly, there's an (admittedly very small) overhead associated with testing whether an instance of the timer needs to be created (although there is some debate about whether this is really that important). Secondly, we lose the ability to test whether the variable has been set or not. The following logical test will never return True:
If GameTimer Is Nothing Then
'do something
End If
As soon as we invoke the GameTimer variable it will automatically be set to an instance of the timer class and so it can never be Nothing.
Again, it's unlikely to make a difference for our particular project but I think we'll all feel better if we retain control over when our object instances are created and destroyed.
The next job is to convert the module containing all of the bird code into a class module. Start by inserting and renaming another class module:
Insert and rename the module as normal.
We now need to begin the wholesale transfer of code from the original bird module into the new class module. Start by copying all of the variables declared at the top of modBirdCode and pasting them at the top of the class module. For reference, this is what you should see at the top of the class module:
Option Explicit
Private BirdImage As Range
Private BirdHeight As Integer
Private BirdWidth As Integer
Private BirdCell As Range
Private BirdPreviousRectangle As Range
Private BirdVerticalMovement As Long
Private Const Gravity As Byte = 1
Private Const FlapHeight As Integer = -8
Private Const DiveDepth As Integer = 8
Private FloorRange As Range
Private PreviousUpKeyState As Integer
Private PreviousDownKeyState As Integer
Now create the constructor for the class by choosing the relevant option from the drop down list at the top of the code window:
Choose Class from the drop down list to generate the constructor.
Now return to the modBirdCode module and copy all of the code from within the InitialiseBird subroutine. Return to the class module and paste all of the code into the constructor. The end result should look like this:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'store info about bird image
Set BirdImage = shSprites.Range("OwlImage")
BirdHeight = BirdImage.Rows.Count
BirdWidth = BirdImage.Columns.Count
'set initial bird parameters
Set BirdCell = shTest.Range("R5")
BirdImage.Copy BirdCell
BirdVerticalMovement = 0
'temporary code to make bird stop falling
Set FloorRange = shTest.Range("A40:Z40")
FloorRange.Interior.Color = rgbBlack
'store the initial key state of Up and Down
PreviousUpKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyUp)
PreviousDownKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyDown)
End Sub
The next step is to copy the five remaining subroutines from the modBirdCode module and paste them into the class module. For reference these subroutines are called UpdateBird, DrawBird, Flap, Dive and CheckKeys. Once you've pasted them, change the name of the UpdateBird and DrawBird subroutines to Update and Draw respectively.
We don't need to create any properties for the bird class yet so head back to the modGameCode module and add a variable declaration to the top of the module:
Private Bird As clsBird
Now, in the InitialiseGame subroutine, change the line which says InitialiseBird with the following code:
Set Bird = New clsBird
Next, in the UpdateAndDrawGame subroutine, change the two lines which say UpdateBird and DrawBird with calls to the relevant methods from the bird class. We'll also update what happens if the user presses the TAB key to exit the game. The final subroutine should look like this:
Public Sub UpdateAndDrawGame()
'Called by the SetTimer function
'Runs once for each tick of the timer clock
'Updates all game logic
'Draws all game objects
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyTab) <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
We could also add code which disposes of the instance of the bird class when the game ends. In the TerminateGame subroutine add a line which does this after the line which ends the timer. The final result should look like this:
Public Sub TerminateGame()
'Called once when game ends
'Used to tidy up
Set GameTimer = Nothing
Set Bird = Nothing
End Sub
We didn't create a destructor for the bird class, so doing this won't trigger any code to run. As described earlier on this page, the additional line will simply release the reference to the object and free up any resources that it was using.
As we're including the line to dispose of our bird object it's important that the UpdateAndDrawGame method doesn't attempt to refer to the Bird object variable after it's been destroyed. This is why we added the Exit Sub line to the If statement.
We can now delete the original modBirdCode module as it's no longer needed:
Right-click on the module and choose to remove it. Click No on the dialog box which appears.
All that we need to do now is test the game to ensure that it still behaves as expected. If it doesn't then check your code carefully or just download the working example from the top of this page.
At this stage it probably feels like we've made a lot of effort for not much reward but, as the rest of the game is going to be built on classes, it was important to do this now. In the next part of the tutorial we're going to continue this theme by creating a game class and upgrade our simple test worksheet at the same time.
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