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Two custom GPTs to help get any information you want on Wise Owl products |
Rachel has created two custom GPTs allowing you to get any information on our courses and services. You can use either of these as intended (to get course details, dates, venues or prices) or to give you ideas for how you could implement a similar search GPT within your own organisation. |
Here are the links to two custom GPTs that Rachel has created for searching for Wise Owl Training services:
Custom GPT | Notes |
Ask any question you like about any training course and you will (hopefully) get an accurate and detailed answer! | |
A less serious (and less well-trained!) search facility, which has a tendency to relate every question back to owls. |
You can read more about thse custom GPTs below.
If you can't remember what a custom GPT Is, read our previous blog on some of the other custom GPTs that we - and other people - have created, to get an idea of what these tools are and how they work.
When you click on either of the links above you'll be taken to a screen to sign into or sign up to ChatGPT:
Click on the button to create an account (if you don't already have one) in the usual way. It's free and straightforward!
You can begin either by clicking one of the 3 conversation starters, or by typing in your own search query:
Here we're about to type a custom query into the bottom box.
You can ask any question you want. Here's a typical use case:
Here someone wants to know if we cover a particular advanced topic in SQL. The GPT not only gives the answer, but also gives a list of course dates.
Feel free to run comparisons!
The actual answer should have been a simple no!
This has a tendency to equate everything to owls:
As before you can choose one of the pre-set questions, or ask your own.
I asked What is your favourite Excel function? and got this:
Not a bad answer, although the owly references get a bit wearing!
We would love to hear your experiences of using either of these GPTs (although particularly the first one). If you get a response which you think is misleading, inaccurate, funny, stimulating or interesting in any other way please do take a second or two to let us know.
Some other pages relevant to the above blog include:
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