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The ultimate Christmas gift for the geek in your life |
The Orb X gaming chair comes with a leather chair, support for 3 screens, surround sound and much more besides, and will be the perfect Christmas gift for the geek in your life when it becomes available for purchase. |
Stuck for something to get your loved one this Christmas? How about the Orb X gaming chair from Cooler Master ("where luxury meets technology"):
A "fully immersive multi-purpose station for gamers and professionals".
The chair itself is genuine leather:
No need to skimp on comfort while you're zapping enemy soldiers ...
Here are some of the things you will get with this chair:
Detail | Notes |
Monitors | One 34" or three 27" monitors. |
Speakers | 2.1-channel 60W master AUDIO with power amplifier, optical fibre (S/PDIF) input 2pcs of 2" * 2 full-range speakers, 2 pcs of 2" tweeter speakers, 1 pcs of 5" subwoofer (quoted here verbatim because to summarise this I would have to understand what on earth it's talking about!). |
Will this chair make you feel self-conscious? Perhaps a tad:
An artist's impression of what the chair would look like in an open-plan office.
You can see more details at this ArsTechnica blog. However, the chair isn't yet commercially available, so in the meantime you could try the Emperor XT from MWE Labs priced at a modest $6,740:
You can place your order at the MWE website ...
One other option is the Predator Thronos chair, but this doesn't seem to have much supporting detail behind it!
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